Here’s an idea that will certainly come in handy some day. You can make a selection of random values from any field in your QlikView document. For example, imagine that you have a document loaded with your company’s employee expense report data for the past five years. And, imagine that you want to select a random twenty percent of the employees. Just click on a listbox of employee names or click on a pulldown arrow of employee names on a multibox. Then, type this expression:
And you will be looking at a random selection of approximately twenty percent of the company employees. Hit Enter to complete the selection.
This idea can work with any field in the document. You can also use an advanced search dialog box instead of a listbox or multibox. This kind of search expression works within the existing selections – if you had already selected only the part of your company operating in Mexico then your expression will select a random twenty percent of employees in Mexico. If you already have some employee names selected then you might want to clear the selection before using the expression. And, like I wrote in my previous blog posting, you can save an expression like this in a bookmark.
This idea can work with any field in the document. You can also use an advanced search dialog box instead of a listbox or multibox. This kind of search expression works within the existing selections – if you had already selected only the part of your company operating in Mexico then your expression will select a random twenty percent of employees in Mexico. If you already have some employee names selected then you might want to clear the selection before using the expression. And, like I wrote in my previous blog posting, you can save an expression like this in a bookmark.
Note: If you are going to be doing this random selection several times on the same document then it may give you the same group of values each time. To make sure you get a different set of values every time you use the expression type this slightly longer expression instead:
(See the comments section below for a suggestion about how to do a random sample selection as the Calculated Dimension in a Chart)
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