Friday, December 16, 2011

Count of Rows in a Chart

Once in a while someone asks me if there's a way to count the rows in a chart and put the number of rows in the chart title. I usually respond by asking, "why would anyone want to do that?" Usually, an expression that counts the distinct values of the fields used as the chart dimension is close enough. If you want a method that actually counts the rows in a straight table chart, here's something I have used that counts the rows and puts the count into a variable named chart_row_count. It will need to be modified for your environment and tested. (***make sure you also see the suggestion near the end)

Create a macro in the module code that looks like this:

Sub Count_Rows


'/* Put your chart object id in the next line */

Set CHRT=ActiveDocument.GetSheetObject("CH70")

On error resume next

'/* in the next line, put an upper limit on the */

'/* loop bigger than your expected chart row count */

For i=1 to 500


If Err.Number <> 0 then


On error goto 0

ActiveDocument.Variables("chart_row_count").SetContent i-1, True

Exit For

End If


On error goto 0

Set CHRT=nothing

End sub

The count in the variable includes the total line if there is one. You can use the variable value in a text expression in your chart title. One thing you must do that will vary from document to document depending on your requirements-- you must figure out how to trigger the macro when the number of rows in the chart might have changed. Triggering when a selection changes is easy to do. Triggering when a cycle group is changed will be harder. For testing, use a button to trigger the macro.

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*** nrbhattad suggests this much simpler macro for finding row count:
set chart=ActiveDocument.GetSheetObject("CH01")

ActiveDocument.Variables("chart_row_count").SetContent chart.GetNoOfRows, true
